1. Community-driven conservation
I am interested in and believe in the kind of conservation that locates African peoples firmly in and on their landscapes: a kind of conservation that views African peoples as owners of their landscapes and waterscapes; a conservation that recognizes the humanity of African peoples - one that is congruent with the diverse forms of livelihoods that Africans practice (pastoralism, agro-pastoralism, agriculture, hunting & gathering, and fishing). I am interested in African environmentalism, which is characterized by a deep, sophisticated understanding of the environment and the positioning of human beings in a complex web of life.
2. Re-telling the African story
I am drawn to every initiative that seeks to re-assert the humanity of African peoples. I am very interested in leveraging Africa's diverse forms of cultural expressions in pursuing Africa's interests. These include, but not limited to, the following:
Architectural creations
Cultural objects
Liberation heritage and liberation strugglesBa
Background photo: Ethiopian Highlands.